Friday, October 26, 2007


After the sudden departure of Jose 'The Special One' Mourniho from the Blues the burning question arises that is a manager or player bigger than a football club. Have to admit that Jose's charisma, his tactics, the overall persona of the 'Special One' will be missed. But a club cannot cling on to the past and have to look at the future. Mourniho has bought unparallel success to Chelsea - a very tough task to follow his footsteps for the person succeeding him. But the team has to move on and with the recent success at Valencia,Riverside has just instilled hope in the Blues revival which I personally thought we had lost specially seeing the games at Old Trafford and the London derby with Fulham. Tensions are still running high at Stamford Bridge with the recent interview of Didier Drogba and the news of Frankie Lampard being up for sale. But being a true blue faithful I hope we keep up the revival and continue with the last 3 years success , and bring in more for the Blues trophy cabinet - maybe the 'big one' the Champions League.

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